Sunday, May 27, 2007


Mi-am adus aminte astazi de o cartulie mica dar tare faina scrisa de Soshitsu Sen XV, maestrul scolii de ceai Urasenke. Am gasit un interviu cu el pe net, si mi-am zis ca un link spre el n-ar fi o idee rea:

- vorbeste despre valoare internationala a ceaiului:) si despre regasirea unei parti de umanitate prin el.
un extract:
"Far more than just a formalized tea party, the tea ceremony has deep roots in Zen philosophy. Driven by the four ideals of Wa, Kei, Sei, Jaku (Harmony, Respect, Purity, Tranquility), it strives to create a state of mind that brings peace to its participants. Tea masters, in fact, must study Zen Buddhism as part of their training. Dr. Sen took his Buddhist vows in 1949 at the Daitokuji Temple under Goto Zuigan Roshi, and he received his Buddhist name, Kyoshin, in 1973 under Kajiura Itsugai Roshi, the chief of Myoshinji Temple. "

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Se pare ca starea de Mahamudra nu este 'nimic' altceva decat Eliberarea. Din cate am inteles, este o metoda construita din toate ramurile budhismului Vajrayana (sutrele si tantrele) care cuprinde tot felul de exercitii, de meditatii, de vizualizari etc etc, ce devin din ce in ce mai subtile si care in cele din urma, ar trebui sa-l aduca pe practicant la starea de Buddha. Se practica in mai multe secte buddhiste, in special in Kagyu (a transmiterii orale), care s-a dezvoltat pe filiera Tilopa - Marpa - Milarepa. Alte scoli (nyingmapa) merg pe metoda Dzogchenului. De ce scriu despre asta? Am vazut in programul de la Pagoda ca dadeau o introducere la preliminariile Mahamudrei. Iar pe autobiografia lui Milarepa pe care am citit-o cand eram mai juna:) scria sus pe coperta Mahamudra. Habar n-aveam la ce se referea la epoca respectiva (nu ca acum mi-ar fi foarte clar), dar sonoritatea mi-a ramas in ureche:). Plus ca Milarepa este personajul meu preferat:) Deci.. nimic. :)
E interesant totusi sa vad ca ultima perioada la mine a stat mai mult sub semnul budismului. Am facut ce am facut si tot peste ei am dat. :) Ceea ce nici nu e rau ca au o gramada de chestii care sa merite atentie.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


"1. All the modulations of the voice arise from the mind, and the various affections of the mind are produced by things (external to it). The affections thus produced are manifested in the sounds that are uttered. Changes are produced by the way in which those sounds respond to one another; and those changes constitute what we call the modulations of the voice. The combination' of those modulated sounds, so as to give pleasure, and the (direction in harmony with them of the) shields and axes[2[, and of the plumes and ox-tails[2], constitutes what we call music.
2. Music is (thus) the production of the modulations of the voice, and its source is in the affections of the mind as it is influenced by (external) things.
3. And so (they instituted) ceremonies to direct men's aims aright; music to give harmony to their voices; laws to unify their conduct; and punishments to guard against their tendencies to evil. The end to which ceremonies, music, punishments, and laws conduct is one; they are the instruments by which the minds of the people are assimilated, and good order in government is made to appear.
4. All modulations of the voice spring from the minds of men. When the feelings are moved within, they are manifested in the sounds of the voice-; and when those sounds are combined so as to form compositions, we have what are called airs. Hence, the airs of an age of good order indicate composure and enjoyment. The airs of an age of disorder indicate dissatisfaction and anger, and its government is perversely. (The note) kung represents the ruler; shang, the ministers; kio, the people; kih, affairs; and yü, things. If there be no disorder or irregularity in these five notes, there will be no want of harmony in the state. If kung be irregular, (the air) is wild and broken; the ruler of the state is haughty. If shang be irregular, (the air) is jerky; the offices of the state are decayed. If kio be irregular, (the air) expresses anxiety; the people are dissatisfied. If kih be irregular, (the air) expresses sorrow; affairs are strained. If yü be irregular, (the air) is expressive of impending ruin; the resources (of the state) are exhausted. If the five notes are all irregular, and injuriously interfere with one another, they indicate a state of insolent disorder; and the state where this is the case will at no distant day meet with extinction and ruin[1]. "
--- extras dintr-un tratat de demult de muzica chinezeasca


Cum sunt mare amatoare de arta poetica asiatica, in special chinezeasca, am fost fericita sa dau de un site cu traduceri de poezii din perioada dinastiei tang:

Sunt capitole interesante unde sunt explicate elemente din ars poetica lor, context, istorie si altele. Am ales aici niste fragmente din Wang Wei, ilustru poet, pictor, muzician, terapeut etc etc:

Adieux au printemps:

Chaque jour, hélas ! nous rapproche de l’inévitable vieillesse,
Tandis que chaque année nouvelle voit revenir le doux printemps.
Prenons ensemble le plaisir, aujourd’hui que notre tasse est pleine ;
Si les fleurs se fanent et s’effeuillent, tâchons, ami, de n’y pas songer.

La montagne n'est que silence et solitude

La montagne n’est que silence et solitude ;
On n’y voit que des herbes touffues et des arbres épais.
La Cour est la patrie des hommes d’élite ;
Seigneur, comment demeurez-vous dans ce sauvage désert ?
--- La culture des lettres n’exige point de relations fréquentes ; mes pensées sont profondes ;
La science de la philosophie est difficile, et, pour l’acquérir, je marche seul.
J’aime les sources pures, qui serpentent entre ces rochers ;
J’aime aussi ma cabane rustique, paisiblement assise au milieu des pins.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Calatorie printre sunete

Am asistat astazi la un curs in care se lucra cu sunete. Mi-a adus aminte de stagiul de la Moeciu:) ehei, the good old days. Cred ca acela a fost stagiul meu preferat.
O tipa tine cursul acesta. Este o chinezoica ce vorbeste foarte bine franceza, foarte simpatica si care se vede ca stie despre ce vorbeste. A venit la mine de cum a intrat in sala (desi erau o groaza de oameni) ca sa vada cum ma cheama , sa-mi explice despre ce este vorba, sa vada daca am ce-mi trebuie (o zafu sub derriere) etc. Stie numele tuturor persoanelor din sala!! si merge si le arata, ii intreba de una de alta, e super super draguta.
Am lucrat cum spuneam pe sunete, incepand cu partea de sus pana jos de tot in abdomen si coccis. Idea e sa gasim in noi insine puterea vindecatoare a sunetului. (explicatiile sunt mult mai subtile, dar tre sa-mi revad notitele ca sa nu spun prea multe tampenii)
Am iesit cu o foarte buna dispozitie de-acolo.
E interesant totusi cum vezi imediat autenticul. Ne explica de pilda cum in china inca de la varsta de 4 ani copii incep sa lucreze cu sunetul, fac tot felul de exercitii. Ideea e sa faci sa rezoneze bazinul, coccisul (codita:) ) pentru multele semnificatii pe care le are:)
(profa de care va vorbesc este cea care zambeste acolo in mijlocul fotografiei)