Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Maitreyi and Eliade

I was surfing on the waves of the net and i fell onto this comment, by Shirley, on amazon who was saying the following:

"As a graduate student at the University of Chicago in the early 1970's, I was assigned to shepherd visiting scholar Maitreyi Devi around during her visit there to speak on Tagore (Rabi Thakur). She requested that I take her to Mircea Eliade's Mead Theological Seminary office. What happened in Eliade's office was a bit puzzling. But several days later a Bengali faculty member told me about Eliade's book and their earlier love. I've been telling that story for thirty years. This spring I told it to another Bengali scholar at a cocktail party in Canada. He was stunned. He said, "You are in her book!" I bought the second book, and I am in it. The incident is the last chapter of "It Does Not Die" - I am the Shirley in the story. Now I have an even better story to tell. "

Can you imagine!!! Actually meeting her! What i would have given for it to happen to me!

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